Are you making any of these copywriting mistakes? Here’s how to fix them

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Copywriting tips: woman working on a laptop

No matter how much of a seasoned copywriter you are, there will be times when your mind goes blank, the blank page stares back at you and panic sets in. What do I write? We share our favourite copywriting tips to ensure your brand storytelling is always top notch.

Thanks to popular demand, we have put together some key copywriting tips so you can maximise your brand storytelling. As a solopreneur, the age-old phrase “done is better than perfect” may be your life motto. Yet, when it comes to your content some simple tweaks will elevate your copy and increase engagement. Discover the most common copywriting mistakes and the expert copywriting tips to correct them. Are you ready to uplevel your content?

How to use copywriting tips when writing your brand content

Whether you are writing an about page, a blog post, or a sales page, good writing is essential. How you communicate with your audience sets the tone for how your brand and offerings are perceived.

A lawyer will be expected to use a formal tone and produce content that informs and educates. Meanwhile, a beauty brand can use a more relaxed tone of voice and produce more trend-based content.

However, these copywriting tips can be applied regardless of the content produced. Next time you sit down to write, create a checklist of the copywriting tips mentioned below and make sure to include them in your text.

The 7 most common copywriting mistakes (and the content tips to fix them)

Let’s dive in! Get out a fine-toothed comb and analyse your content against this quick checklist. There’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned before and after, so check your content and transform it with our handy tips.

1. Neglecting proper research:

One of the aims when writing brand content is to become an authority within your niche. Yet, writing without a solid foundation of research is akin to building a house on sand. Research takes time. It may be tempting to rely on a quick Google search and a skim-read of a few sources, but this can prove problematic.

A lack of in-depth research can lead to inaccuracies, and outdated information which will ultimately erode your credibility. Enjoy the process of diving into reliable sources, online and offline and be meticulous in cross-referencing facts, figures, and statistics. Ensuring your content is as accurate as possible not only helps you to be more knowledgeable on your chosen topic but also provides your audience with something enjoyable to read.

2. Weak headlines and introductions:

A golden rule in copywriting – don’t bury the lead. A lacklustre headline and introduction can turn away even the most curious readers. When it comes to writing long-form content such as a blog post or key website page, you want to lead with your most important information first. 

The headline and introduction should serve as a teaser, succinctly introducing the topic and setting the tone for what’s to come. Both elements should be thoughtfully crafted to entice readers to delve deeper into your content. If your reader cannot tell what your article is about within 3 seconds of landing on the page, they won’t stay.

So, to keep viewers engaged, put your key information in your title, subtitles, and opening paragraph. An extra copywriting tip: make sure to highlight key phrases in bold when they appear in the body of the text.

3. Poor organisation and structure:

No one wants to read a huge chunk of text with little to no formatting. Your content should be organised in a logical and easily digestible manner. Long-form content is an amazing way to communicate with your audience but be sure to break down complex information using headings, subheadings, and bullet points. This not only enhances the readability of your content but also enables readers to quickly navigate to the sections that interest them the most.

 4. Overlooking proofreading and editing:

Don’t forget to do the i’s and cross the t’s – literally. Grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies can swiftly erode the professionalism of your content. Proofreading is a non-negotiable step in your writing process. A copywriting tip we use daily is to step away from the text and return with fresh eyes. Reading your content aloud to catch awkward phrasing or pacing issues is also a great way to see if it matches with your brand voice. Grammar-checking software such as Grammarly is also a lifesaver when it comes to writing textbook perfect copy.

5. Lacking a distinct voice:

No one likes to read bland, boring content. One of the hallmarks of exceptional copy is its ability to convey a distinct voice and personality. Regardless if your brand voice is formal, inspirational, or colloquial, infusing your copy with personality will boost engagement. Share anecdotes, insights, and personal experiences that resonate with your target audience. This not only makes your content relatable but also fosters a deeper connection between you and your readers.

6. Ignoring SEO best practices:

SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization, is a marketer’s BFF. It is a way to help your content become more discoverable online. Ignoring SEO practices can mean that your content remains hidden in the vast expanse of the internet.

Creating remarkable content is half the battle but adding the recommended SEO best practices ensures the right traffic lands on your page. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases related to your topic.

Integrate these keywords naturally throughout your content, including in headings, subheadings, and image alt text. Optimising meta descriptions and title tags can significantly improve your content’s visibility in search engine results.

7. Starting with design and then adding in copy

We are firm believers that crafting compelling copy provides the blueprint for a seamless web design. Essentially, copy dictates design. It is a sentiment that is also shared by our favourite brand design experts – so it must be true! While you don’t have to hire a copywriter, having your copy in place is highly recommended before you begin designing your website. After all, a stunning homepage devoid of meaningful content about your offered services is destined to fall short in the conversion game – no exceptions

Writing tips for your brand

Remember, the art of content writing is an evolving journey. Practice really does make perfect! Content is one of the most valuable assets of your brand and it is worth investing time and effort in getting it right. By following these copywriting tips, you can avoid the most common mistakes and ensure that your content not only stands the test of time but also resonates deeply with your audience. Brand storytelling has the power to inspire, educate, and unite. We’re excited to see how you use your words to create a meaningful impact within your niche.

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