Content diversification: how your content can cut through the noise

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Content diversification: Woman sharing ideas at a desk

Do you have a content diversification strategy in place? If not, it is time to invest in one. This is why.

In the world of digital marketing, where trends evolve at the speed of a click, standing out requires a strategic approach. With the rise of social media, content consumption habits have evolved and it is no longer enough to simply rely on a single type of content to engage potential customers. Mapping out a well-rounded content strategy is essential but to reach your audience you need to focus on content diversification. Discover why encompassing all four media types – reading, listening, watching, and doing – is a game-changer for your business. 

Understanding Diverse Learning Styles

The root of content diversification lies in the psychology of learning. By recognizing the importance of appealing to various learning styles, you can create content that touches different chords in your target market. By weaving reading, listening, watching, and doing into your content, you’re acknowledging that people absorb information differently and maximising your chances of resonating with a wider audience.

The Marketing Rule of 7

Most female entrepreneurs will know that a potential customer doesn’t buy straight away. In fact, the average customer journey is riddled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from desire to anxiety. The psychology behind the buying process has been studied resulting in the creation of the marketing “rule of 7”. The marketing rule of 7 emphasises the importance of repeated exposure to your brand message.

Potential leads often need to encounter your brand multiple times before they feel compelled to take action. With a diverse content strategy encompassing different media types published across multiple platforms, you’re increasing the frequency at which your audience encounters your brand. This repeated exposure helps solidify your brand identity and message in their minds.

Capturing Beauty Style The Art of Fashion Photography

Proin ullamcorper pretium orci. Donec nec scelerisque leo. Nam massa dolor, imperdiet nec consequat a, congue id sem. Maecenas malesuada faucibus finibus. Donec vitae libero porttitor, laoreet sapien a, ultrices leo. Duis dictum vestibulum ante vitae ullamcorper. Phasellus ullamcorper, odio vitae eleifend ultricies, lectus orci congue magna, in egestas nulla libero non nisl. Etiam efficitur in arcu ut lacinia.

Donec scelerisque enim non dictum aliquet. Sed ec nunc. Suspendisse volutpat elit nec nisi congue tristique eu at velit. Curabitur pharetra ex non ullamcorper condimentum. Morbi sit amet dui convallis, mattis augue id, ullamcorper massa. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit.

The importance of content diversification for your brand

Diversifying your content allows you to create the right content for your audience at the right time. It is important to keep your customer journey in mind at all times when repurposing your content. You want to be able to drip-feed key information about your product or services in the right format for the exact moment your audience needs to see it. 

How to speak to your audience on their terms

Let’s put it into perspective. Imagine you are selling house number signs. Before your customer is ready to press “Add to Cart” they will be thirsty for information about your product. Before they even find your brand they may be searching for information on the best material for exterior house signs. They will stumble across a blog post on your site that compares one material to another, say enamel and acrylic. Curious to learn more about your brand, they head over to Instagram where they find your reels, visually showcasing the benefits of enamel signs for house numbers. It is important to get into the mindset of your customer and use your content as breadcrumbs leading them to your conversion, in this case, adding a sign to their cart.

Why small businesses need to use all four media types in their content strategy

Content diversification is easier than it sounds, especially when you break it down into the four key media types. Allowing your target market to pick ‘n’ mix your content based on their needs will allow you to attract new audiences and keep loyal users coming back for more. Discover the ways to repurpose your content into the four media types without losing your mind in the process.

Reading: The power of in-depth insights

Thoughtful storytelling is an impactful way to get your brand in front of your target market. Providing in-depth content that engages and inspires your audience is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your site. According to a study carried out in 2021 by the Content Marketing Institute, short articles (less than 3000 words) ranked third place in the B2B content assets that generated the best results for businesses. When it comes to writing effective blog content, the key is to write posts that address your audience’s pain points, while seamlessly weaving in SEO-friendly keywords. Reading your audience’s mind and addressing their concerns makes your brand stand out as an authority for your target market.

Listening: On-the-go engagement

As a female entrepreneur,  there is no doubt that you value efficiency so the rise of podcasts should come as no surprise. Take the “How I Built This” podcast by NPR, which delves into the stories of entrepreneurs. With over 17 million downloads per month, it’s evident that auditory content fits seamlessly into our busy lives. Research suggests that podcast listeners are highly engaged, with 80% listening to most or all of each episode. Adding ways that your content can be listened to on the go provides your target market with an immersive experience that can be enjoyed during daily routines.

Watching: Visual delights

For most brands, visual aesthetics add that signature touch that keeps them front of mind for consumers. When it comes to visual content, creating a strong identity that allows bitesize content to be consumed on the go is essential. Think about how Sephora’s makeup tutorials on YouTube have amassed millions of views. In fact, videos generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined. This reflects the human inclination towards visual content. An easy way to capitalise on this trend for visual media is to turn blog posts into videos. This content diversification allows you to offer the same information in two different ways without having to create new content.

Doing: The power of experience

When it comes to building a brand, masterfully curated events that bring people together allow your target market to see the human element of your brand. Switching from online to offline offers you the chance to connect with your audience in person and share your brand’s philosophy in a face-to-face encounter. Hands-on experiences drive engagement as they eliminate the pre-purchase anxiety felt during many online encounters. After all, humans want to buy from other humans.

Ways to diversify your content and boost your traffic

Studies indicate that customers who engage with a brand across multiple channels are more loyal and spend 4.5 times more than single-channel customers. When developing your content strategy for your brand, consider the places where you can interact with your audience online and offline. Here are some easy ideas to begin your content diversification strategy: 

  • Turn blog posts into video content
  • Start a podcast and use your blog posts as the theme for each episode
  • Host a webinar on a popular topic within your niche
  • Conduct your own research and publish a paper
  • Host an in-person event to showcase your products

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