How much does copywriting cost? 5 signs you are ready to outsource your content

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How much does copywriting cost? The most popular question on any entrepreneur’s lips. When budgets are tight and time even more so, knowing you are making a good investment is more important than ever.

Ok, hands up! How many times have you typed ‘How to write better website content’ into Google? Yep, we have all been there. Writing engaging website copy is not easy, especially when you have to take SEO into consideration. But, good quality website content is essential for driving traffic to your site, generating leads and building customer relationships. However, as a business owner, it is all too easy to get stuck on admin tasks and let content become an afterthought. If you can relate, it may be time to look into hiring a copywriter. Panic not, working with a. professional copywriter is easier than you may think. So, if your mind is racing with thoughts of “how much does copywriting cost?” or “what is the benefit for my brand?” – we have you covered.

What is a website copywriter? 

If the thought  ‘What is a copywriter?‘ has ever crossed your mind, you are in luck! Here is a demystified explanation. The term ‘Copywriter’ often gets overused. But, in simple terms, it describes the job given to someone responsible for creating the written content for a brand. Copy literally means text. Originally, copywriters worked with advertising agencies but today many forms of copywriting exist. Website copywriters work with brands to produce all the written website text. This can often extend to social media captions, press releases and email campaigns.

When Is a Good Time for Hiring a Copywriter? 

If you have found yourself sitting in front of a blank page all too often, it is probably time to ask for help. Luckily, the world is full of talented people who can turn your ideas into website copy that converts. Upwork is a great place to find a copywriter that will fit your brand style and budget. Alternatively, social networks such as LinkedIn are also fantastic for finding talent online. Read on to discover the top five reasons why you should be outsourcing copywriting for your business. 

1. You are tired of constant content updates

In an ideal world, once you have hit the publish button your content will work hard to drive traffic to your site. However, if you are not confident in your brand messaging, the temptation to constantly tweak and adjust your website copy can feel overwhelming. By hiring a copywriter, you will be able to relax in the knowledge that the text that appears on your website is the best quality possible. This allows you to use your time for other areas of the business. 

2. The idea of creating a content strategy sounds like hell

Good quality website content isn’t created by chance. Your website copy should match the search intent of your chosen demographic. It needs to address their questions and solve their problems. Good website copy is also entertaining and tells a story. Not to mention, SEO friendly. However, this requires great levels of planning to ensure that the copy produces results. This is where a content strategy comes into play. Hiring a copywriter will ensure that your website text follows a strict content strategy and remains consistent. Look for freelance copywriters for hire and enlist their help. You won’t regret it!

3. You don’t have time to learn SEO to optimise your content

Searching for keywords, writing meta tags and implementing a keyword strategy to your site. These are just some of the basic tasks a website copywriter carries out when writing copy. However, SEO is very detailed and technical. It takes time to learn and understand how to use SEO, let alone apply it to your writing. So, leave it to the experts and spend your time hiring an SEO copywriter to work on this for you. 

4. Maybe you don’t have time in general?

Yes, working as a solo entrepreneur or as part of a start-up is one of the most time-consuming tasks on earth. Worth it? Yes! But, there should be unlimited hours in the day for all the tasks that need to get done. So, don’t let copywriting become a bottleneck task that stops your brand from growing. Outsource your copy to experts and reap the rewards while you take care of business. Creating consistent copy for your brand will work wonders in driving high-quality traffic to your website.

5. It is time to improve the user experience

Okay, so you have dabbled here and there. The website is live and there are a few blog posts published. But, does it reflect your brand voice or support your goals? Take time to work out what you want to achieve, who you are targeting and how you will reach your audience. Then, hire a copywriter online to help you to create a better user experience that will keep customers returning to your site. The longer a person spends on your website, the more Google recognises you as an authoritative figure. Over time, this will help to boost your rankings and get you seen by your target audience. 

How much does copywriting cost? 

When it comes to putting a price on website copywriting services, there are many factors to consider such as skill level, different pricing models and of course the scope of work. As a female entrepreneur, you understand the importance of creating strong marketing materials. With a professional copywriter as part of your team, your service pages, online content and branded web pages will not only reflect the DNA of your brand but also be written in the best way to reach your dream clients. So, when it comes to copywriting costs, there is no set freelance copywriter rate but this “at-a-glance” guide will be able to help you find the right copywriter for your business. 

Content-TypeCustomer Journey StageProduction TimeAverage Cost
Blogging– Awareness
– Consideration
– Decision
2-3 hours per post
3-4 hours per month planning & keyword research
300-600€ / per 1000-word optimised blog post
Social Media Captions– Awareness
– Consideration
8-10 hours a week
2-3 hours a month planning & strategy
60-80€ per hour
SEO-Copywriting– Awareness
– Consideration
– Decision
2-3 hours per page1000-1,500€ for a 1,200-word optimised web page
Branded website copy– Awareness
– Consideration
– Decision
1 month +1000-1500€ for a 1,200-word optimised web page
Sales Page-Awareness3-5 hours1,200-4000€ for a 1,200-word sales landing page
Ebook– Consideration20-50 hours1,500- 3000 for a 4000-6000-word ebook
Product Descriptions– Consideration
– Decision
30 mins + per description60-80€ per hour
2023 average freelance copywriter rates

What factors affect copywriter rates? 

Just like in any profession, you can expect to pay higher rates for a more experienced copywriter. However, there are website copywriting rates to suit budgets big and small. Here are some of the common factors that will have a part to play in the pricing of professional copywriting services. 

Freelance or full-time employee?

If you want to create high-quality content but don’t have much time to dedicate to the task, you need a copywriter. Yet, an important factor to consider when hiring a good copywriter for your brand is if you want a freelance writer or are looking to hire someone to work as an employee. As an employee, your copywriter will be given a regular salary as well as company benefits whereas a freelancer will demand a higher fee as they will be covering all their labour costs such as taxes or national insurance (social security). 

Years of experience

Price is directly linked to the copywriter’s experience. The higher the level of experience, the higher the price. Expensive copywriters will seem pricey at first glance, but the time taken to perfect their craft will be reflected in their work. If you cannot pay higher prices for your content, consider someone with fewer years of copywriting experience and train them to work for you in your style. Whether you need them to write a product description or a home page, there will be a copywriter to match your style and budget.

The complexity of the project

If your task requires expert knowledge so that you can rank #1 on search engines or make the most of every cent spent on PPC ads, you may have to spend more. SEO copywriters and PPC campaign writers are just some examples of high-level copywriting roles. Research your project in depth and consider the skill set that you need to employ. Does it require a lot of research? Will they be required to write white papers or carry out keyword research? Gather as much relevant information as possible to avoid surprises later on. There is nothing worse than having to renegotiate project fees later down the line.

Do you require niche copywriters?

It goes without saying that a niche copywriter will charge more for their services. Not only have they spent a long time researching and becoming an expert in their field, but they are also in short supply. If you take a closer look at the world of copywriting, you will see that there is a wide range of niches ranging from direct response copywriting to subject matter experts. Depending on the niche you operate in, you may have to pay more for your copywriting.

Turnaround time

Time is an important factor in deciding how much does copywriting cost. Content such as social media posts will require less time than developing a brand voice for a new client or pouring over case studies to be able to write a killer sales page. It is important to keep realistic expectations regarding timeframes so that the project budget can be managed accordingly. 

A copywriting quote may take many forms

When it comes to crafting creative copy that will make your brand irresistible to potential customers, there is not a one size fits all price range. Yet, the most common ways to calculate a copywriter’s cost are: 

Charging a project fee

A flat rate or a flat fee is one of the most popular ways that a skilled copywriter will charge for their work. After all, each project will require a unique scope of work and therefore different rates must be applied. Content writers in charge of writing a landing page or sales page will use different skills and a different timeframe than those creating a product page or ad copy. The best copywriters keen to offer a professional service will take time to analyse the ins and outs of your project and tailor their pricing proposal based on your individual needs.

Business owners and copywriters alike prefer this option as the type of project and scope of work may vary over time and the project can be easily renegotiated. Offering a project price also allows the copywriter to charge for the value and expertise that they offer potential clients instead of time or word count. 

Charge a per-word-rate

When it comes to content writing for website pages or blog posts, it is not uncommon for writers to charge a per-word rate for their copywriting projects. This is a good idea to use when the project is prone to changes. Or for when a marker needs to be set to allow the web copywriter to keep track of their earnings. 

Calculate an average hourly rate

If a project has a set amount of time allocated to it, an hourly rate or a day rate may be suitable. While this pricing strategy is less common, it does exist. Especially when the copywriter forms an integral part of a brand’s marketing team.

Hiring a copywriter doesn’t have to be scary

Don’t panic, writing good content for websites is not easy. But, you don’t have to do it alone. If you are thinking about hiring a copywriter, book a free 15-minute discovery call to discuss your project. We are more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

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